Emotional cognitive science that is easy to understand

1. Difference between cognitive science and emotional cognitive science

 Cognitive science studies "perception, cognition (concepts), and motion." Emotional cognitive science studies "emotion (pleasure and displeasure), consciousness, language, personality, and mind." 

2. What are "pleasure and displeasure"?

 Pleasure and displeasure are produced by the emotional brain, which is composed of three systems present in the limbic system. The three systems are the motive system, aversion system, and reward system. Both, the motive and aversion systems, produce displeasure, and the reward system produces pleasure.

3. Emotional characteristics

 There are several forms of pleasure and displeasure created by the three systems. Those are distinguished by emotional characteristics. Emotional characteristics consist of natures of emotion (pleasure and displeasure) and their dynamics. As for natures of emotion, two kinds of displeasure (fragility and aggression) are produced by the motive system, two kinds of displeasure (being ruled and destruction) are produced by the aversion system, and three kinds of pleasure (trust or confidence, rebellion, and apology) are produced by the reward system.

4. The emotional system (the functional network of neural transmissions in the emotional brain)

 Seven self-representations and seven object-representations, which have seven kinds of emotional characteristics, form 14 emotional factors, which make up the emotional system (the functional network of neural transmissions in the emotional brain).

5. Cognition and meta-cognition

 The natures of emotion (pleasure and displeasure) cannot be converted into "physiological excitement." However, the dynamics of emotion (pleasure and displeasure), which work as the emotional system, can be distinguished as cognitive explanation and meta-cognition (acqusition of recognition). The dynamics of emotion that provide cognitive explanation indicate "the displeasure-defense system," and the dynamics of emotion that suggest meta-cognition (acquisition of recognition) indicate "the displeasure-regulation system." The access from the prefrontal area to the reward system, that is, the access from new brain to old brain is necessary to establish the displeasure-regulation system. 

6. Grades in pleasure and displeasure

 Regarding the grades of pleasure and displeasure, displeasure that has originated in the motive system is set into "-1," and displeasure that has originated in the aversion system is also set into "-1." In contrast, among pleasures originated in the reward system, pleasure only in the limbic system is set into "+1," and pleasure via prefrontal area is set into "+2." In this case, two settings of "-2" and "0" occur in the displeasure-defense system, and only "+1" occurs in the displeasure-regulation system. Each of "-2," "0," and "+1," indicates, in order, multiplication of displeasure, resolution of displeasure, and changing displeasure into pleasure.

7. Pleasure and displeasure produce consciousness

 The displeasure-defense system produces consciousness. Two cases of "-2" and "0" occur in the displeasure-defense system. Either of these―to muitiply displeasure or to resolve displeasure―should be chosen. Then, consciousness, which is "the navigator that goes through detours for choice," is active in this situation.

8. pleasure and displeasure produce language

 The displeasure-regulation system produces language. Even if consciousness is generated by the displeasure-defense system, language is not generated only by that. In other words, language is not generated only by the abnormal mind based on the animal brain. Changing displeasure into pleasure, which is "+1," is necessary for producing the normal mind unique to humans.

9. Pleasure and displeasure create personality

 The displeasure-defense system produces the abnormal mind, and the displeasure-regulation system produces the normal mind. They are combined together and various personalities (the personality structure in seven stages) are generated. The structure theory of personality using Freud's mental apparatus (structural theory and topography) can neither formulate the radical treatment of psychoses nor create an artificial mind (AM) which makes this formulation possible. In other words, it cannot quantify Freud's theory. In contrast, the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis, based on emotional cognitive science, enables the formulation of the radical treatment of psychoses and creation of an artificial mind (AM).

10. Quantification of natures and movements in pleasure and displeasure

 The natures and movements in pleasure and displeasure can be quantified by using "Figure 18. Classification and Context formation of Language" in The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation. They cannot be quantified in the order of the generation of life phenomenon: emotion (pleasure and displeasure)→consciousness→language→personality. But they can be quantified in the order of creating an artificial mind (AM): language→emotion (pleasure and displeasure)→personality→consciousness.

11. Surpassing beyond the limit of artificial intelligence (AI)

 Is artificial intelligence (AI) tool? Does it have a limit? Researchers involved in artificial intelligence naturally say "No." They should use their new vision to answer with an unequivocal negation. Regretfully, every researcher cannot help announcing his/her vision ambiguously while negating the limit of artificial intelligence (AI). The outline of emergence of an artificial mind (AM) is needed to define a new vision on artificial intelligence (AI).

Emotional cognitive science (1)

The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation to enable the quantification of mind The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation to enable the quantification of mind

 Searching for emotion research on the Internet lead us to major figures in the research on emotion called perceptualism―S. Schacter, W. James, C. Lange, A. Damasio, and so on. For a long time, it has been thought that not only emotion but also consciousness is generated from perception. We cannot ignore the historical fact that they constitute the first group of emotion researchers.

 On the contrary, I have studied emotion from different viewpoints. Let us follow a quite natural thought. Vital activity is the activity of maintaining life by resolving the displeasure generated in a life-form. How does a life-form resolve its displeasure? It does so by taking in something from the outside world, excreting something to the outside world, and constructing mechanisms to resolve displeasure within itself. Displeasure originates in the emotional brain (centered on the limbic system). The perception system is used as a tool when taking in something from the outside world, and the motor system when excreting something to the outside. When displeasure can be smoothly resolved, the contents of various memories and learning are stored in preconsciousness as memory.

 Although each member of the first group mentioned above developed a unique emotion theory, each such theory was unreasonable in detail. They seek the origin of emotion in perception. They try to identify emotion only through two modes: the perceptive mode (self and other) and the thinking mode (being and not-being). In other words, cognitive science does not have a methodology to directly quantify emotion (pleasure and displeasure). As soon as I offer criticisms in this way, I am asked, "Can you express emotion in a formula?" Unfortunately, I do not have a specific formula at the moment. However, I do at least know the mechanism how emotion generates personality structure and psychological phenomena through cooperation with consciousness and language. According to the mathematical expression of my knowledge, I am convinved that quantification of emotion will be enabled through a detailed analysis of dynamics.

 Let us understand my theory mathematically, "the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation" using figures. Regarding the emotional control system (which is composed of 14 emotional factors) developed in the emotion control theory in the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis, a quantity of emotion, that is, the strength of "pleasure and displeasure," can be quantified and displayed. All emotional factors can be exhibited on five levels, "-2, -1, 0, +1, and +2":these express the activations of the object-defensive factor, displeasing factor, equilibrium, self-defensive factor, and regulatory factor.

 As introduced, the basis of our mind constructs a three-cornered relationship, that is, a four-dimensional world using the three modes of perception, thinking, and emotion. The first axis is formed by the strength of "self and other" in the perception system mode; the second axis is formed by the strength of "being and not-being" in the thinking system mode; the third axis is formed by the strength of "pleasure and displeasure" in the emotion system mode.

 Regarding the first axis formed by the perception system mode (self and other), measurement with the five levels mentioned above is possible. The other-factor is set on the negative side and the self-factor on the positive side. Moreover, each factor has "self-other." Accordingly, it can be set up on five levels.

 Regarding the second axis formed by the thinking system mode (being and not-being), the "not-being" side is set on the negative side and the "being" side on the positive side. However, it is not necessary to measure the second axis with five levels as with the first and third axes. The thinking system mode continually fluctuates up and down both sides.

 A cube (space) is formed with the aforementioned arrangement. Let us consider one issue. For example, the self thinks, "I feel displeasure." In the perception system, "+2" is exhibited, and "-1" is exhibited in the emotion system. How then does the thinking system act? Because the self wants to resolve displeasure, the thinking system has to act to achieve the self's aim. How does it act? (It is unreasonable to simply place the theme "I feel displeasure" into the theme "You feel displeasure." When placing this theme into the theme "I do not feel displeasure" or "I feel pleasure," a procedure in its own is needed.) The tool that ensures the regularity of action is "Figure 18: Classification and context" in The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation. When the self can act with the formation of language and context based on the emotional control system, the theme "I feel displeasure," can be changed following an appropriate procedure. In this case, the second axis, the thinking (being and not-being) mode, is active and this is "linguistic consciousness" itself, as introduced many times. The concrete action of linguistic consciousness is also presented in "Figure 25: Way of intervention by conscious neurons" in The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation.

 Mathematization of emotion is performed through language. Language in this case is not a cognitive language but an "emotional cognitive language," which enables context formation. This is formed by the emotional control system (the functional network of neural transmission in the emotional brain) to hold meaning. I am convinced that it would not be difficult for excellent engineers to quantify emotion. The formula of a four-dimentional cube acting as a life-form has not yet been clearly presented. However, an accurate and detailed model of our mind, that is, the sketch of an artificial mind (AM) having linguistic consciousness, has been established.

                                     Emotional cognitive science (1) 

Constructive emotion theory and The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation

 I rarely find books that have fresh content on emotion. However, I am interested in How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett (Constructive Emotion Theory; Japanese Translation by H. Takahashi). This appears familiar but in fact quite different from my books (a series on the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis). Here, I display (similarities and) differences between this book and mine.

 This book presents an (innovative) assertion about the construction of emotion―constructive emotion theory. The term "emotional concept" forms the core of constructive emotion theory. An emotional concept is established by assuming the presence of consciousness. What becomes an emotional concept through consciousness? Of course, an emotion. What then is the emotion that is its origin? It is perception. I think that the emotional concepts presented in this book and emotional cognition presented by me are similar, but they have important differences. Constructive emotion theory thoroughly denies the essence of emotion. I would ask, "Isn't the essence of emotion pleasure and displeasure?" According to this book, pleasure and displeasure originate in "interoception," a continuous process in the body. I think that the following explanation is easier to understand: When consciousness intervenes in perception, perceptive cognition (perceptive concept) is formed, and when consciousness intervenes in emotion, emotional cognition (emotional concept) is formed. Perception in this case originates in the outside world and the body, and emotion in this case originates in pleasure and displeasure presenting (inherently) in the emotional brain.

 In constructive emotion theory, the construction of emotion needs "interoception network" and the "control network," which is called the default mode network, while in the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis, the formation of 14 emotional factors needs "the functiona network of neural transmission in the emotional brain (the emotional control system)," "the functional network of neural transmission in the brain (⇔ the perception system ⇔ the thinking system ⇔ the emotion system ⇔)," and "the generating mechanism of consciousness." However, constructive emotion theory does not accept the emotional brain and the functional network of neural transmission in the emotional brain. This leads to inexhaustible questions. Several questions are given here. First, can the essence of emotion be completely denied by current techniques in constructive emotion theory? Moreover, emotion has various influences on other brain functions. There is an order whereby consciousness is generated from emotion (cognition), language is generated from emotional cognition and consciousness, personality is generated from emotional cognition and language (emotional recognition), and the entirety of psychological phenomena are generated from various personality structures. Constructive emotion theory is capable of upsetting the foundation of this order. Assuming that constructive emotion theory is adopted, how is this order corrected? In particular, how is the generating mechanism of consciousness resolved? Furthermore, I wonder whether we can fundamentally treat functional psychological diseases, which are based on the distinction between normality and abnormality of the human mind, according to constructive emotion theory. Thus, I worry whether it is correct to deny an essential theory and to adopt only a constructive theory.

                                       Emotional cognitive science (1)

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The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis is the revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis. It defines mental health & disease, and elucidates every psychological phenomena. Particularly, the cause of psychosis, schizophrenia & manic-depressive disorders, is clarified and their radical
treatment aiming complete recovery is established. The contents beyond all imagination, the elucidation of consciousness & self-consciousness, the way to enlightenment etc. are included in this book. Not only the expert in the field of psychoanalysis but also the persons who have interest in mind will be strongly affected by this book.