Emotional brain and various cognitive theories

 Brain areas (regions) called "emotional brain" are present in many parts of the limbic system, arranged in an interconnected loop (leading to various psychodynamics). Nevertheless, why do researchers explain that emotion is "physiological excitation + cognitive interpretation?" Sadness and sometimes anger involve physiological phenomena. However, even if an individual experiences insomnia or loss of appetite, he/she is not diagnosed with "depression" all at once. This is because although a depressed person exhibits these symptoms, but merely their presence cannot always be concluded as depression.

 How many readers approve of the opinion that "individuals feel sad because they cry?" This reverses the logical order of things, and it is wrong to think that this involves a simple choice. Rather, it is like shifting from geocentric theory to heliocentric theory. This is simply not possible. I cannot understand why this opinion changed into the natural notion that individuals cried because they felt sad. I wonder whether someone might get into trouble if this opinion was reversed. As long as individuals reverse the logical order of things, they cannot obtain the truth. (In The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis, regarding "two-factor theory of emotion" by S. Schachter and J. Singer, I try to explain that the experiment supporting this theory corresponds to a kind of trick.)

                                      Emotion and Language (1)

Natural language processing and machine translation

 I am an amateur in natural language processing and sometimes study in my own way by choosing easy articles through online searching. I noticed a serious problem. Realizing the main mode of natural language processing is machine translation makes me apprehensive of the lack of translators (reseacher of translation) in the near future. However, a certain website affirms that translators will continue being present even in the future. Why so? I incidentally discovered that when artificial intelligence (AI) translates Japanese sentences into English and translates the sentence already translated into Japanese, the re-translated sentence is different from the original one. Then, what is the purpose of natural language processing?

 How does the current conversational technique using natural language processing go on? A chatbot once contained common contents from "How do you do?" to "Nice meeting you." Presently, the conversational ability of AI is improved through dialogue with each other (as former Alpha Go). However, there is no AI that can create an epoch-making conversation. Researchers should develop techniques to cultivate better conversations. For this, a relatively steady context must be built. Some reseachers try to create the affect (emotion) (corresponding to language) prior to the language. It is no exaggeration to say that such an artifact cannot understand and express emotional language.

                                      Emotion and Language (1)

Meaning generated from consciousness and meaning generated from language

 The generation of consciousness and language originates from emotion (pleasure and displeasure). As per the order of evolution of life, consciousness is first generated from pleasure and displeasure, and language from pleasure is generated second. Consciousness makes the choices about dealing with displeasure and hence, should naturally understand its meaning. Animals (except humans) with consciousness (principally) can understand the meaning in the displeasure-defense system. In contrast, language is generated only from pleasure. It is supposed that humans who temporarily escaped danger gathered and sought how to communicate with one another. They may discover the displeasure controlling mechanism (the displeasure-regulation system) that each human possesses. Moreover, they may develop "help" and "forgiveness." This may lead to the formation of a group and finally a society.

 However, language attaches significance to various phenomena and it is impossible to understand the province of language. There is an impression that language deviates substantially from its original province to foster a healthy mind and has become only about pursuing pleasure, that is, triggering curiosity. Therefore, many reseachers do not notice the generating mechanism of language (as mentioned above) and are caught up in "emotion potential language," diffusing radially from the source of language. When only that aspect of language that has already diffused is turned into research, the elucidation of language is limited, and reseachers can artificially create only syntax. Unless reseachers can approach the source of language, they cannot deal with context.

                                     Emotion and Language (1)

The essence of language and semantic understanding of language

 Consciousness research is liable to close the cognitive side of emotion, and language research is liable to close the recognitory side, that is, the meta-cognitive side of emotion. Cognitive understanding is possible only through consciousness―memorizing through experience, how to memorize in each situation, and how to act along the memory. However, by only consciousness, it is impossible to compare and choose which is better or more excellent among experiences and memories―upgrading choice. In other words, although the choice around a certain pleasure and displeasure is possible by only consciousness, recognitory understanding to choose more than two is impossible without adding language.

 Here is an example of applying this principle. "To enjoy sad music" means to turn sadness into pleasant feeling due to music. This meaning is masturbatory (because the displeasure-defense system functions; the self-defensive unit of "weak self−ideal self.") Masturbatory experiences and memories have solely cognitive meaning but not a recognitory (meta-cognitive) meaning. However, circumstances change regarding sad music with lyrics. No matter how comfortable sad melody without lyrics is, it is cognitive and not recognitory (meta-cognitive). Comfort due to lyrics and melodies expressing sadness can form recognition (meta-cognition) because lyrics is language.

                                      Emotion and Language (1)

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The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis is the revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis. It defines mental health & disease, and elucidates every psychological phenomena. Particularly, the cause of psychosis, schizophrenia & manic-depressive disorders, is clarified and their radical
treatment aiming complete recovery is established. The contents beyond all imagination, the elucidation of consciousness & self-consciousness, the way to enlightenment etc. are included in this book. Not only the expert in the field of psychoanalysis but also the persons who have interest in mind will be strongly affected by this book.