Generation of emotion, consciousness, language, and personality

 Consciousness is generated from emotion, language is generated from emotion and consciousness, and personality is generated from emotion, consciousness, and language.

 Regardless of the presence of a perceptual stimulus, a choice occurs: the displeasing factor, which is the emotional factor in the motive system, activates either the self-defensive factor, which is the emotional factor in the reward system, or the object-defensive factor, which is the emotional factor in the aversion system. Consciousness plays a role in guiding this choice.

 Consciousness is a characteristic of the animal brain. To generate language from the animal brain, the following are needed in the first stage: the object-regulatory factor (or the object-regualtory sub-factor) in the regulation system that establishes a distinction between self and object in the displeasing factor which is the emotional factor in the motive system and the self-regulatory factor (or the self-regulatory sub-factor) in the regulation system that is formed by identifying with it. In the second stage, after forming the regulatory factors, the following are needed: restraint of the self-displeasing factor by the object-regulatory factor (or the object-regulatory sub-factor) and restraint of the object-displeasing factor by the self-regulatory factor (or the self-regulatory sub-factor). Through processes in these two stages, the loops of help and forgiveness are formed, and the emotional control system is constructed. The emotional control system is the basis of context formation. This system is located at the core of a language system that expands rapidly from emotion language to emotion related language and emotion potential language, and conducts various understandings of language and expression of language.

 The language system (putting context formation at the center), which cooperates with the emotional control system, creates our psychological phenomena. At that time, an individual's emotional control system cooperates with his/her own language system and forms various personalities; that is, the personality structure.

                                     The theory that mind has its origin in emotion 

Psychological phenomena created by perception and emotion, and cognition and recognition

 Here, eight psychodynamic processes are closely examined.

1. Emotional cognition enjoying perception

 For example, enjoyment from seeing and hearing. Pleasing self-defensive factors (the ideal self) are activated by various perceptions.

2. Emotional cognition enjoying perceptive cognition

 For example, enjoyment of drinking and eating. This enjoyment is already well understood, and the pleasing self-defensive factor (the ideal self) is repeatedly activated.

3. Emotional recognition controlling emotional cognition

 For example, dining together. When people gather and spend time together happily, the object and self-regulatory factors (or object and self-regualtory sub-factors) are activated rather than pleasing self-defensive factors.

4. Perceptive recognition controlling perceptive cognition

 For example, an individual shoots videos (perceptive cognition), enjoys repeatedly reproducing them (perceptive recognition), and shares the enjoyment with others (emotional cognition or emotional recognition). Alternatively, an individual orders food (perceptive cognition) for take-out (perceptive recognition) and uses delivery services (perceptive recognition).

5. The significance of perceptive recognition

 Perceptive cognition goes no further than understanding perception. When pleasing perceptive cognition presents, ther is a "pursuit of pleasure" that endures and repeatedly experiences perceptive cognition. The pursuit of pleasure is observed in every aspect of our lives. That is curiosity.

6. The characteristic of perceptive recognition

 The characteristic of perceptive recognition is the pursuit of pleasure that generates curiosity. As introduced in "Motive theory" in this website, through the excess activation of two grandiose selves, curiosity protrudes from original work in the displeasure-regulation system and pursues pleaure. In othet words, motive, which practically actualizes pleasure appearing in the mind, is generated; for example, business producing convenience and business creating effectiveness.

7. Emotional cognition enjoying perceptive recognition

 This means that the activation of the displeasing-defense system enjoys various technological innovations. Destruction is a motto of the displeasure-defense system. It is liable to manifest in risky motives and actions: for example, pathological contribution to society, that is, the business of producing weapons and drugs, and selling and buying them.

8. Emotional recognition enjoying perceptive recognition

 This means that the activation of the displeasure-regulation system enjoys various technological innovations. This makes a healthy and good contribution to society; for example, it includes various medical technologies and the development of pharmaceutial products. There is also a possibility that motive in this case is generated by pursuit of pleasure (curiosity). However, emotional recognition, which is formed by the cooperation of the displeasure-regulation system, ultimately presents.

                                     The theory that mind has its origin in emotion 

Cognitive science that denies emotion

 Perceptive cognition and perceptive recognition, which suport so-called cognitive science, have denied the (equal) participation of emotion. However, in fact, perceptive cognition has its origin in the defensive factor (constituting the displeasure-defense system) at the generation of consciousness, and perceptive recognition has its origin in curiosity, which has a motto of the pursuit of pleasure. Because such a procedure from the origin was not well understood, people have had the illusion that perceptive cognition and perceptive recognition are independent of the emotion system. Thus, emotion seems to be a bother and has not been adequately valued. A very large number of researchers have wanted to deal with the mind without emotion (using only cognition), even some closest to me. Although some researchers have tried to regain such an inclination, at this time, how can they change direction? Older researchers in the final stage of their study life can only deny such movement. Young researchers might be at a loss regarding how to control the direction of study. I think that it is necessary to reexamine conventional studies.

                                      The theory that mind has its origin in emotion

The secrets hidden in the definition of consciousness

 I introduce the definition of consciousness as the subtitle of The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation: Consciousness is a navigator that goes through a detour to explore the main road. I know that readers cannot help but feel the unnaturalness of this subtitle.

 I introduce consciousness as a navigator that goes through a detour to choose pleasure and displeasure in "The structure and function of emotion" on this website. However, what consciousness chooses may not always be "pleasure and displeasure." The emotional control system created by me, which is located at the core of the language system, has a three-dimensional structure: the mode of "self and object" as the perception system, the mode of "being and not-being" as the thinking system, and the mode of "pleasure and displeasure" as the emotion system. Even in the displeasure-defense system, three modes are operating within the motive, reward, and aversion systems: the modes of "pleasure and displeasure," "self and oject," and "being and not-being." Therefore, when consciousness is generated, there are three modes of choice. For example, there might arise a distinction as to whether it is the self or object that is strongly angry, and a distinction as to whether anger is to be maintained or stilled. In these cases, the modes of "self and object" and "being and not-being" with something in the perception system might be partially involved in so-called cognitive science. Being very familliar with such circumstances, I deal with the generating mechanism of consciousness. It is necessary to understand that not only consciousness but also every psychological phenomenon is generated on a four-dimensional level (space + time).

                                      The theory that mind has its origin in emotion

Fight between "perception and emotion"

 Here, I am going to discuss clearly whether consciousness is generated from perception: "perception → consciousness (→ language)," or from emotion: "emotion → consciousness (→ language)."

 I think that this discussion can be shifted to a discussion about the relation between "perceptive cognition" which is formed by "perception → consciousness" and "emotional cognition" which is formed by "emotion → consciousness." It is necessary to decide on an issue that was discussed earlier, that of perceptive cognition, or emotional cognition.

 Perception is not a perceptive cognition. Perceptive cognition refers to an understanding of a perception. This understanding is induced by consciousness. For example, there is "a red liquid." Is this "a delicious juice" or "polluted blood"? The understanding and judgment of it are performed by consciousness. If consciousness is generated from perception, emotional information might not be mixed with perceptive cognition. In this case, various pieces of perceptive information equipped with "a red liquid" are investigated, and the nature of this liquid is understood and judged through collation with the information and knowledge that has already been acquired by learning.

 Emotion is not an emotional cognition. Emotional cognition refers to an understanding of emotion. This understanding is induced by consciousness. If consciousness is generated from emotion, consciousness understands and judges "a red liquid" along the standard of "pleasure and displeasure." In this case, even if perceptive information might be mixed, due to the use of mixed perceptive information, "a red liquid" is understood and judged. For example, by referring to the perceptivel information of the smell and liquid state, it is understood whether the red liquid is suitable to drink or not, and if suitable, it is judged whether the red liquid is delicious or bad. In other words, by using perceptive information that is necessary for constructing the motive system, consciousness understandsands and judges whether the reward system (suitable to drink and delicious) is activated or the aversion system (unsuitable to drink and bad) is activated.

 Let us consider another case. For example, a large accident has occurred, a large number of people watch it, and an individual is wondering whether to go help. The understanding and judgment of this case is performed by consciousness.

 Perception is not a perceptive cognition. Perceptive cognition refers to an understanding of a perception. This understanding is induced by consciousness. What has happened? If consciousness is generated from perception, emotional information might not be mixed with perceptive cognition. In this case, the situation is closely investigated and is referred to as past data. When it is understood that an accident has happened, by investigating data on what one should do and referring to it, it is judged whether to take some kind of action.

 If consciousness is generated from emotion, perceptive information might be mixed with emotional cognition. An individual might feel anxiety and fear in a situation where a large number of people have gathered and need some perceptive information. When filled with anxiety by the perceptive information, an individual might understand the situation and judge that he/she should not approach it but rather go away. If a person whom an individual knows (or is related to) is involved in the situation, he/she might go help, brushing aside his/her fear. In other words, when consciousness is generated from emotion, an individual reacts through the reward system to avoid displeasure, or when he/she cannot pass by (because there is a possibility that the accident concerns himself/herself), he/she might judge a need to go there even while choosing the aversion system.

 When consciousness is generated from perception, "perception → consciousness," the more detailed the perceptive information the better and circumstances where consciousness is generated from emotion, "emotion → consciousness," is not needed. Therefore, it is natural that researchers with "perception → consciousness" deny emotion.

 In contrast, when consciousness is generated from emotion, "emotion → consciousness," perceptive information is needed as mentioned above. However, consciousness does not require excessive perceptive information. Given minimal information, consciousness can understand and judge it. Moreover, it is not necessary for consciousness to know what should be understood and judged because consciousness understands and judges by itself.

 Incidentally, when we make artificial intelligence (AI) play games, we should input a so-called mechanism of consciousness (deep learning) and the aim of consciousness. However, it is not necessary for living beings to do such work. Consciousness has already understood the mechanism and role on its own. Thus, perceptive cognition does not need information on emotion, but emotional cognition needs perceptive information. However, emotional cognition alone has a meaning. Even if consciousness is generated from perception and perceptive cognition is formed, what is it useful for? The meaning of perceptive cognition is unclear. Therefore, when emotional cognition is first formed and then perceptive cognition is formed, perceptive cognition developing from emotional cognition becomes meaningful.

 (In the case of "ice cream is cold" → "ice cream is delicious," this has meaning as a sentence in spite of the indication of an arrow meaning "so" or "but." "Ice cream is cold" alone does not have meaning as a sentence. However, the issue of "pleasure and displeasure" of coldness might arise during perceptive cognition of "an ice cream is cold" is formed. In contrast, in the case of "ice cream is delicious" → "ice cream is cold," the meaning of coldness is highlighted as the reason for the deliciousness. In other words, when perceptive cognition is formed earlier, it does not have a meaning alone. When perceptive cognition follows emotional cognition and supports emotional cognition, perceptive cognition becomes meaningful).

                                     The theory that mind has its origin in emotion 

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The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis is the revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis. It defines mental health & disease, and elucidates every psychological phenomena. Particularly, the cause of psychosis, schizophrenia & manic-depressive disorders, is clarified and their radical
treatment aiming complete recovery is established. The contents beyond all imagination, the elucidation of consciousness & self-consciousness, the way to enlightenment etc. are included in this book. Not only the expert in the field of psychoanalysis but also the persons who have interest in mind will be strongly affected by this book.