What is context?

 Context refers to the flow of words. A sentence is made by connecting vocabulary, and a paragraph is composed of sentences. Vocabularies that have been learned, many sentences that have been constructed, and paragraphs that have been remembered are stored in preconsciousness. They sometimes take the form of a rambling conversation and paragraphs, or appear in a dream. However, it is impossible to maintain the flow of the words. Vocabularoes are unnoticeably contradictory to each other, and sentences are also contradictory to eaxh other, and finally the logic of context collapses. Therefore, consciousness works to understand the flow and make it logical. Which vocabulary should be chosen, or which sentences should be chosen? For example, in a word game in Japan in which one player has to say a word starting with the last syllable of the word given by the previous player, vocabulary should be chosen based on the rules of the game. Moreover, regarding connecting vocabularies, particles should be chosen, and consciousness works to enable the construction of a sentence. Finally, a paragraph is made using a conjunction. Consciousness also works when choosing a conjunction.

                                       Context establishment

Constitution of context

 To constitute context means that the context acquires logicality. Its acquired logicality should express various (realistic) situations accurately and should be able to exclude abnormal mind (full of contradiction). The following is how to constitute a logical context: first, a sentence is constituted by connecting vocabularies that correspond to 5W (when, where, who, what and why) and a vocabulary which corresponds to 1H (how) using particles. Next, some sentences that are completed are connected by conjunctions. The context is created using various conjunctions. However, this is insufficient only in this case. Even if logicality can be acquired, what is the theme of the constituting sentence? What are the purposes and intentions of the constituting sentences? Various cases can be considered. Every case should be checked at various points: whether the expression is accurate in the situation, the logic excludes abnormal mind, and so on.

                                      Context establishment

What does context depend on?

 Context first depends on a language system that has already been learned and constructed. Second, it depends on consciousness. Third, it depends on the emotional control system that lies at the center of the language syetem. The language system includes various personalities. In other words, a difference is produced in the language system based on the personality structure. Can the language system work as the foundation to obtain the ability to estimate the situation appropriately? Moreover, can the language system work as the foundation to obtain a reality testing ability (insight into disease)? When the awakening degree declines and consciousness cannot work fully, it is difficult to obtain an appropriate estimate of the situation. Regarding aged people, when dementia worsens, such troubles are liable to be caused. In contrast, unless the emotional control system forms a healthy mind, a healthy mental state cannot be obtained. When people fall into pathological or psychotic states, their personality collapses, and the language system collapses, throwing them into confusion. Therefore, the logicality of context is strongly influenced by the awakening degree and emotional control.

                                      Context establishment

Sort of context

 In The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation, the sorts of context, which are activated in a four-dimensional cube, are mentioned in detail. Here, I describe them by dividing them into three types. I have already mentioned that the essence of language lies in "pleasure and displeasure." The most basic dynamics are described: "pleasure → 0 → displeasure → 0 → pleasure." When consciousness works to dealing with displeasure, a course of language flow (in a language cycle) is decided. Its flow (i.e., the above-mentioned dynamics) can be expressed as "emotional language → emotion-related language (→ emotion-potential language → emotion-related language) → emotional language → emotion-related language (→ emotion-potential language → emotion-related language) → emotional language." For example, "coronavirus" belongs to emotion-potential language. Because an infection of coronavirus causes  anxiety and fear among people (and induces some emotional language), "coronavirus" changes into emotion-related language. However, when people can prevent infection by keeping close personal relationships away, "coronavirus" reverts to emotion-potential language from emotion-related language.

                                        Context establishment

Type of context (1)

 Regarding the emotion exclusion type of self-consciousness, "pleasure → 0 → displeasure → 0 → pleasure" mentioned above can be expressed in other words as "curiosity → emotion-potential language (cognitive language) → consciousness → emotion-potential language (cognitive language) → curiosity." Our daily exchange (of conversation and sentences) is apt to have this type of context. Moreover, the greater part (of conversation and sentences) is produced at a place considerably removed from the center of the emotional control system. However, the context of coronavirus is also produced on a daily basis: context starts at emotion-potential language (cognitive language), activates emotional language via emotion-related language, and returns to emotion-potential language (cognitive language) via emotion-related language. The duty to be careful to whisper during work means to forbid the use of emotional language and emotion-related language. Incidentally, regarding such duties and prohibitions, the regulatory type of self-consciousness (belonging to the emotion inclusion type of self-consciousness) keeps working behind the emotion exclusion type of self-consciousness: pleasure → 0 → displeasure → 0 → pleasure.

                                       Context establishment 

Type of context (2)

 Regarding the defensive type of self-consciousness (belonging to the emotion inclusion type of self-consciousness), "pleasure → 0 → displeasure → 0 → pleasure" can be expressed in other words in "emotional language (self-defensive factor) → emotion-related language → emotional language (self-displeasing factor) → emotion-related language → emotional language (self-defensive factor)." Most of our exchange (of conversation and sentences) centered on anxiety and fear of coronavirus infection that is prevalent now might have this type of context. However, administrative and medical personnel concerned with coronavirus infection should analyze the current situation and respond to it using the emotion exclusion type of self-consciousness described in the type of context (1). When administrative and medical personnel involved in COVID treatment are, even if temporarily, released from their work, their excessive fatigue must trigger the surfacing of context produced by the defensive type of self-consciousness. Furthermore, when people might feel despair with no exit by losing their job and families, context is formed centered upon the displeasure-defense system (which lies in the center of emotional control).


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Type of context (3)

 Regarding the regulatory type of self-consciousness (belonging to the emotion inclusion type of self-consciousness), "pleasure → 0 →displeasure → 0 → pleasure" can be expressed in other words in "emotional language (regulatory factor) → emotion-related language → emotional language (displeasing factor) → emotion-related language → emotional language (regulatory factor)." Many studies on the coronavirus, specifically issues around raising awareness and curative issues that are directly concerned with us, have an important theme that we should understand well this viral infection, maintain patience, and help each other. An exchange (of conversation and sentences) about activities with hope for the future is the context produced by the regulatory type of self-consciousness. Incidentally, although various emotions are activated around coronavirus and various emotional cognitive languages are used to express emotions, "coronavirus" does not create emotions or languages. "Coronavirus" is just one opportunity to produce context in various forms of self-consciousness. The language system (emotional cognitive language system), which has emotional control in the center, creates a context using various phenomena.

                                      Context establishment

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The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis is the revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis. It defines mental health & disease, and elucidates every psychological phenomena. Particularly, the cause of psychosis, schizophrenia & manic-depressive disorders, is clarified and their radical
treatment aiming complete recovery is established. The contents beyond all imagination, the elucidation of consciousness & self-consciousness, the way to enlightenment etc. are included in this book. Not only the expert in the field of psychoanalysis but also the persons who have interest in mind will be strongly affected by this book.