Can linguistic ability that surpasses machine translation be created?

 I wonder whether understanding and expression of language proximate to the human' ability (or surpasses human' ability) can be created. The ability that exceeds machine translation equipped with AI. The answer is, "Yes." It is necessary to actualize the attempt to develop a theoretical composition center around pleasure and displeasure that are the essence of language. The language system (classification of language and context) is composed of three modes: "pleasure and displeasure" mode in the emotion system, "self and other" in the perception system, and "being and not-being" in the thinking system. In this language system, the emotional control system is used. In other words, using the emotional control system, our mind moves freely within the language system, which is a three-dimensional space. This principle is introduced into an artificial mind (AM), rooted in the displeasure-regulation system based on a healthy mind. By creating uninterrupted linguistic consciousness, it is possible to verbalize all phenomena in one language.

                                      Emotion and Language (2)

Can natural language processing be completed?

 To complete natural language processing, it is necessary to create uninterrupted linguistic consciousness. Semantic understanding (semantic recognition) of language is needed for the creation of uninterrupted linguistic consciousness. As AI obtains image recognition through the shape of the letter and speech recognition through sound of the letter, semantic recognition of language, which automatically creates sentences (context) from vocabulary via construction (in a moment), is needed. Regarding current natural language processing, it is possible to create construction from vocabulary, but it is difficult to create sentence (context) from construction. Therefore, "context formation through the emotional control system" (by the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis) is in charge of the latter issue, and thus a whole process of semantic recognition of language will be completed. That is, by combining the function of AM with that of AI, uninterrupted linguistic consciousness is created, and natural language processing can be completed.

                                      Emotion and Language (2) 

Conditions to serve in-depth conversations

1. First step: Understanding one sentence (construction)

 For example, A says, "I am angry with B." It is difficult for neither an individual who has learned language nor AI to understand this sentence. When a conversation begins with this sentence, there must be an answer. That is, when this sentence is understood, the conversation must not be over in this one sentence.

2. Second step: Continuing conversation (composition)

 As soon as an individual understands A's saying, "I am angry with B," he/she necessarily asks, "Why?" This question is not difficult. This question can be shared with AI. A answers, "B forces work on me." Since forcing work means compelling somebody to do unpleasant things, the work is not pleasant for A. An individual can understand the reason for A's anger based on this answer. However, he/she cannot know how A is forced work and is angry with B. If the exchange of words so far can be understood, he/she should ask another question to know about the situation in more details.

3. Third step: Understanding conversation (composition)

 When an individual asks something in response to the reason for A's anger, does that prove one's understanding of language? Even if an individual cannot understand how A talks to B, he/she can look for expressions in A's answer when he/she knows the meaning of "forcing." For example, he/she responds with, "It must be hard for you," or "How bad could it be." He/she can stop pursuing further truth and finish the conversation at that point (without progressing the understanding of language to understand A). However, if this is the case, there must be a reason. I wonder whether he/she does not want to continue conversation because of poor understanding of language or stops it despite enough understanding of language because he/she does not want to go further. Gathering from the flow of the conversation, A might begin talking because A wants to say something. Thus, it is not appropriate to cut the conversation short by saying, "By the way, it is・・." Rather, it is natural to ask, "What kind of work?" or "What kind person is B?"

4. Fourth step: Obtaining information about the situation

 Questions about work and the kind of person B is would clarify how the relationship between A and B is and how the situation is. Let us suppose that the following information can be obtained. They are boss (B) and staff member (A). Boss forces work on the staff. B has a boss (C). Since C forced work on B, B forces work on A. Two-step forcing is involved. In other words, a two-step "ruler-ruled" relation surfaces. Reacting to this dynamic, A is angry with B. When an individual grasps more detailed information on whether this ruler-ruled relation occurs rarely or frequently for A, he/she can comment on A's situation. However, what is the standard?

5. Fifth step: Arranging a standard for understanding language

 The point of establishing a conversation is to ask questions about the, "when, where, what, how, and why." Through these questions, almost all circumstances must be understood. However, this is where the problem stems from. When an individual progresses a conversation, what does he/she aim at or set as standard? How does he/she understand and react to information obtained? The aim in this case is to calm A's anger which is based on the ruler-ruled relation. It should be understood what A's state of mind is (or what psychodynamics is generated within A). Furthermore, one must understand the nature of A's anger―whether it is healthy or pathological. What is the standard for evaluating the same?

6. Sixth step: Activating the emotional control system

 According to the emotional control system in the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis, it is possible to identify the entire psychological reality of both persons caused by the ruler-ruled relation. In other words, the nature of all relations can be evaluated through the emotional control system. When every issue about construction can be resolved as natural language processing, as soon as collected information (language using corpus) is populated into the language system which holds three modes and is composed of three-dimensional space, the emotional control system is activated, the function of consciousness is needed to resolve issues of how sentences (context) are created from construction via vocabulary. Linguistic consciousness can extract language with various meaning recognition. (The linguistic consciousness of artificial mind chooses neural transmissions that run freely not only in "the loops of help and forgiveness," but also in some narcissistic and masochistic closed cycles which present in "the functional network of neural transmissions in the emotional brain." Thereby, the linguistic consciousness of the artificial mind understands the party's linguistic consciousness, that is, the party's psychological state and extracts language for expression through understanding of language.)

                                       Emotion and Language (2)

Difference between deep learning and linguistic consciousness

 The generating mechanism of linguistic consciousness is slightly more complicated than that of deep learning. Two important points are necessary to elucidate the linguistic consciousness. One is the presence of a unique network. The neural network in the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis is the functional network of neural transmission in the emotional brain (the emotional control system) that can describe all psychological states and is structured like the mesh of a net. The emotional control system is composed of emotion and language. The nature of mind, which is generated on ocasion, appears through neural transmissions running within the network.

 The other is the generating mechanism of human consciousness. The generating mechanism of consciousness is neither a recurrent network nor a feed forward network (as already introduced). Of course, they also contribute to the generation of consciousness but only moderately. Consciousness is a navigator that goes through a detour to explore the main road (as repeatedly introduced). First, the neural transmission moves back and forth on the main road, and detours are set up. Some loaded feedback neural transmissions for the choice of path reach detours prior to neural transmissions on the main road. Referring to loaded neural transmissions, conscious neurons can choose the neural transmission on the main road which is given priority.

 However, human' linguistic consciousness sometimes lacks because humans are also animals and must run a phenomenon of life. One's lack of linguistic consciousness is not rooted in language despite being conscious. Regarding the artificial mind, it is not necessary to run the phenomenon of life. The starting point of linguistic consciousness of artificial mind is, "In the beginning there was the word," and its world never ends. Therefore, in the artificial mind, the emotional control system in the language system always works. Linguistic consciousness of artificial mind, rooted in the displeasure−regulation system based on a healthy mind, continues to move through the mesh-like structure of language system (―continues to process the understanding of language when language stimuli are provided by the outside world, and to try to expand the understanding of language from memories of language temporarily without stimuli). The emotional control system has inexhaustible branch points. Linguistic consciousness of artificial mind contributes to every choice about all branch points. Therefore, an artificial mind can specialize in the semantic understanding of language that is frequently used.

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Coordinated actions between artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial mind (AM)

 First, artificial intelligence (AI) is in charge of language processing from the vocabulary level to the construction level. Subsequently, artificial mind (AM) takes over, activates the emotional control system within a language system that has a three-dimensional language structure and conscious function, and enables meaning recognition. That is, it is possible to instantly demonstrate the language ability from input vocabulary via construction to sentence formation (context formation). Afterward, along the program for the expression of (normal) language, AM forms a sentence (context) from various constructions and expresses it.

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The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis is the revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis. It defines mental health & disease, and elucidates every psychological phenomena. Particularly, the cause of psychosis, schizophrenia & manic-depressive disorders, is clarified and their radical
treatment aiming complete recovery is established. The contents beyond all imagination, the elucidation of consciousness & self-consciousness, the way to enlightenment etc. are included in this book. Not only the expert in the field of psychoanalysis but also the persons who have interest in mind will be strongly affected by this book.