Emotional cognitive science that is easy to understand

1. Difference between cognitive science and emotional cognitive science

 Cognitive science studies "perception, cognition (concepts), and motion." Emotional cognitive science studies "emotion (pleasure and displeasure), consciousness, language, personality, and mind." 

2. What are "pleasure and displeasure"?

 Pleasure and displeasure are produced by the emotional brain, which is composed of three systems present in the limbic system. The three systems are the motive system, aversion system, and reward system. Both, the motive and aversion systems, produce displeasure, and the reward system produces pleasure.

3. Emotional characteristics

 There are several forms of pleasure and displeasure created by the three systems. Those are distinguished by emotional characteristics. Emotional characteristics consist of natures of emotion (pleasure and displeasure) and their dynamics. As for natures of emotion, two kinds of displeasure (fragility and aggression) are produced by the motive system, two kinds of displeasure (being ruled and destruction) are produced by the aversion system, and three kinds of pleasure (trust or confidence, rebellion, and apology) are produced by the reward system.

4. The emotional system (the functional network of neural transmissions in the emotional brain)

 Seven self-representations and seven object-representations, which have seven kinds of emotional characteristics, form 14 emotional factors, which make up the emotional system (the functional network of neural transmissions in the emotional brain).

5. Cognition and meta-cognition

 The natures of emotion (pleasure and displeasure) cannot be converted into "physiological excitement." However, the dynamics of emotion (pleasure and displeasure), which work as the emotional system, can be distinguished as cognitive explanation and meta-cognition (acqusition of recognition). The dynamics of emotion that provide cognitive explanation indicate "the displeasure-defense system," and the dynamics of emotion that suggest meta-cognition (acquisition of recognition) indicate "the displeasure-regulation system." The access from the prefrontal area to the reward system, that is, the access from new brain to old brain is necessary to establish the displeasure-regulation system. 

6. Grades in pleasure and displeasure

 Regarding the grades of pleasure and displeasure, displeasure that has originated in the motive system is set into "-1," and displeasure that has originated in the aversion system is also set into "-1." In contrast, among pleasures originated in the reward system, pleasure only in the limbic system is set into "+1," and pleasure via prefrontal area is set into "+2." In this case, two settings of "-2" and "0" occur in the displeasure-defense system, and only "+1" occurs in the displeasure-regulation system. Each of "-2," "0," and "+1," indicates, in order, multiplication of displeasure, resolution of displeasure, and changing displeasure into pleasure.

7. Pleasure and displeasure produce consciousness

 The displeasure-defense system produces consciousness. Two cases of "-2" and "0" occur in the displeasure-defense system. Either of these―to muitiply displeasure or to resolve displeasure―should be chosen. Then, consciousness, which is "the navigator that goes through detours for choice," is active in this situation.

8. pleasure and displeasure produce language

 The displeasure-regulation system produces language. Even if consciousness is generated by the displeasure-defense system, language is not generated only by that. In other words, language is not generated only by the abnormal mind based on the animal brain. Changing displeasure into pleasure, which is "+1," is necessary for producing the normal mind unique to humans.

9. Pleasure and displeasure create personality

 The displeasure-defense system produces the abnormal mind, and the displeasure-regulation system produces the normal mind. They are combined together and various personalities (the personality structure in seven stages) are generated. The structure theory of personality using Freud's mental apparatus (structural theory and topography) can neither formulate the radical treatment of psychoses nor create an artificial mind (AM) which makes this formulation possible. In other words, it cannot quantify Freud's theory. In contrast, the Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis, based on emotional cognitive science, enables the formulation of the radical treatment of psychoses and creation of an artificial mind (AM).

10. Quantification of natures and movements in pleasure and displeasure

 The natures and movements in pleasure and displeasure can be quantified by using "Figure 18. Classification and Context formation of Language" in The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis in the Next Generation. They cannot be quantified in the order of the generation of life phenomenon: emotion (pleasure and displeasure)→consciousness→language→personality. But they can be quantified in the order of creating an artificial mind (AM): language→emotion (pleasure and displeasure)→personality→consciousness.

11. Surpassing beyond the limit of artificial intelligence (AI)

 Is artificial intelligence (AI) tool? Does it have a limit? Researchers involved in artificial intelligence naturally say "No." They should use their new vision to answer with an unequivocal negation. Regretfully, every researcher cannot help announcing his/her vision ambiguously while negating the limit of artificial intelligence (AI). The outline of emergence of an artificial mind (AM) is needed to define a new vision on artificial intelligence (AI).

Emotional cognitive science (1)

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The Integration Theory of Psychoanalysis is the revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis. It defines mental health & disease, and elucidates every psychological phenomena. Particularly, the cause of psychosis, schizophrenia & manic-depressive disorders, is clarified and their radical
treatment aiming complete recovery is established. The contents beyond all imagination, the elucidation of consciousness & self-consciousness, the way to enlightenment etc. are included in this book. Not only the expert in the field of psychoanalysis but also the persons who have interest in mind will be strongly affected by this book.